GrassProtecta - Vehicle and Wheelchair Access (Holmdel, New Jersey)

GrassProtecta - Vehicle and Wheelchair Access (Holmdel, New Jersey)

Vehicle and Wheelchair Access

Holmdel, New Jersey

Client | Marilyn Grubb Gentile, Architect

Contractor | Mobility Consulting and Contracting

Location | Private Residence, Holmdel, New Jersey

Product(s) | GrassProtecta Heavy mesh

Application | Vehicle and Wheelchair Access

The client was in need of access to the second floor of a private residence that would accommodate the transportation needs of an elderly parent. After rejecting a ramp solution as too costly, the client and architect, Marilyn Gentile, Architect, determined that a grass driveway from the front street to the back patio was a viable option with existing site conditions and the client’s desire to preserve the aesthetic of the home and limit impervious surface cover.